Guidebook to Teaching English in Japan
Opening Remarks
This is a guidebook which I would have appreciated
when I first got to Japan. My previously limited knowledge of Japan was gained
through introductory level Japanese history and culture classes at university
and I realized just how limited this knowledge was when I first visited Japan in
1987. I have written this paper with the following points in mind:
Most Americans and other native English speakers don't have a deep understanding
of Japan, its culture or the Japanese people.
B. There is still a fair
demand for native English teachers and the main qualifications for many of the
teaching positions is just being a native speaker of English and holding a four
year university degree.
C. Many of the people who are hired to teach
Engish in Japan are not professional teachers.
D. Almost anyone can
learn to give good English lessons.
E. Some knowledge of what to expect
in Japan will help lay the groundwork for a smooth transition into Japanese
society and new teaching positions.
F. A more profound understanding of
the profession of language instruction among new or inexperienced teachers will
help raise the credibility of the job and produce better lessons with the end
result being better speakers of English among the Japanese.
1. Why Do We Need A Guidebook for Teaching Language?
There is no
accounting for personal preference. When traveling, some people like to throw a
few things in a bag and get right out on the road. Others get enjoyment out of
meticulously planning each step of their journey before starting. Still others
prefer to have their trip planned for them. Personally, when traveling, I like
to read up on where I'm going to find out about the layout of my destination and
its history, culture and so on. In this way, I can spend less time wondering and
A parallel can be drawn to language teaching. Some teachers
just like to go into the classroom and ad lib and others feel the need for much
more preparation. While this may be a strange metaphor, I believe the
similarities deserve a closer look and I have written this paper with this in
Language teaching is not an exact science and the debate over how
to best teach language will most likely outlast the world oil supply. I will
talk about some of this debate in Part Two on English
as a Second Language (ESL) and English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teaching.
Teaching language in Japan has a few added twists in that the culture is
quite unique and monolingual classrooms are the norm1. With a
guidebook of this sort, new comers can embark upon the journey of language
teaching in Japan with more confidence and a better understanding of their
position and what to expect in and out of the classroom.
This guidebook
will hopefully be of some use to language teachers who have never been to Japan
and who have little or no experience teaching language. I have also tried to
include information and ideas that will be helpful to language teachers who are
already in Japan, but are having difficulty a) finding new or better employment
b) understanding Japan and its culture and customs or c) making existing classes
work the way they want them to.
Not everyone will need this guidebook.
There are those teachers who, just like certain travelers, don't like or need to
do a lot of research before setting off on a journey. Still, the main need for a
work of this type is to give current and prospective teachers a better bearing
on what is happening with language teaching in Japan and give them some hint as
to the future direction of our profession.
As many people have
discovered, you do not have to be an experienced or expert teacher to make a
decent living as a language teacher in Japan. Still, EFL or ESL, like other
teaching, is an important job and should be taken seriously.
The Cold
War is over, but we can see the many ethnic problems that are arising with more
frequency around the world. Without proper intercultural understanding, problems
of this sort may arise with more frequency and intensity and the unstable
situation that could occur does not benefit anyone.
As language
teachers, we have multiple responsibilities. Guiding students to a better
understanding of the target language is high on this list, as is helping them to
make themselves understood. In addition to the language aspects, we will pass on
bits of our culture and thus become a kind of bridge between our students and
our home countries. In this way, we are all ambassadors and need to conduct
ourselves in a way that brings pride to our native homelands and fosters deeper
understanding of our own unique culture and customs among the people of the
nations where we are teaching.
2. Assumptions About Language Learning
The need for language
instruction reaches back into history to the first time people of different
heritages came in contact with each other. While not a new or unique concept,
language learning still carries some of the mystery or feelings of adventure
that those first individuals felt.
Communication can take many forms,
from basic gestures to advanced dissertations and can cover any of a number of
topics. How well we understand each other determines the level at which we can
communicate our ideas, feelings and wishes. And while it is possible to learn a
new language without a teacher, having a good one can facilitate learning in a
real sense. Following is a list of things we can say about learning a second or
foreign language.
A. First, no two students will learn at exactly the
same pace. Some people have a knack for picking up languages and others don't.
Still, almost everyone has the ability to learn a new language. A teacher who
understands these points and is sensitive enough to recognize the pace at which
individual students learn and have the flexibility to adjust their lessons
accordingly is indispensable.
B. People have different reasons for
learning a new language. Some people do it just to keep themselves busy, others
have a specific goal in mind such as passing a certain exam or gaining a higher
position in their current line of work2. Because of this difference,
students will want to focus on different aspects of language.
C. Also,
language learners differ in the level of motivation. This is in some ways
related to the two previous assumptions, but deserves proper attention and can
be a big factor in the success of certain classes and individuals. One aim that
will be discussed in Part Six is how to
motivate students to take more responsibility for their own success.
Everyone has a store of words or phrases that they understand when they see or
hear them. At the same time, the words and phrases we use when writing or
speaking will come from a different pool3. The skilled teacher will
be able to aim their lessons at exercising and expanding both of these
facilities in their students.
E. There will also be a gap between what
we try to teach and what our students learn. Language is at the core of each
country's culture and our perceptions of new or unknown things is highly
dependent on our cultural heritage4. We may have a specific target
when teaching, but how this is percieved by the students will sometimes differ
from our intention.
F. Even though cultural differences can sometimes
create a barrier to perfect understanding, grasping the important parts of a
message that another person wants to pass on is not that difficult. We can come
pretty close to conveying most messages even though there are sometimes not
perfect translations for what we want to say. The gap in perception may cause
problems if we, as teachers, are not perceptive enough to notice the differences
or flexible enough to make allowances.
3. The Aim Of This Paper
This work has a variety of aims.
Utmost, is the desire to pass on general information on Japan and language
teaching as well as specific information for teachers about teaching English
language to Japanese students. While the emphasis will be on teaching adults,
there is information on teaching children of all ages. This information is
contained in Part
Another aim is to create a reference for teachers who are
looking for ideas or examples for specific classes. The intention of this
guidebook for language teachers in Japan is to give teachers with little or no
classroom experience a source of ideas that will be helpful when planning
lessons and to guide them to other interesting or helpful resources that they
may not otherwise find.
In the end, I would like experienced teachers,
non-experienced teachers and potential teachers to better understand the
challenges we face in this profession and feel more comfortable and confident
when going for an interview or entering the classroom.
I would like to
show teachers how important our job is and give some ideas how to better present
ourselves and gain respect as professionals. In this way, I feel teachers can
get more from the experience in Japan.
This paper in itself will not
make you a great teacher. Instead, it will give you some insight into what it
takes to be a good language teacher in Japan and guide you in your beginning
stages as a teacher here. After that, you will need to develop your own teaching
style and discover what strengths you possess and which areas you will have to
Also, you will find at the end of this paper a bibliography to
get you started in your search for more detailed information.
4. How To Use This Guide
Chances are that you will find yourself
in a teaching position where not all of the material in this guide will be of
use to you. I have tried to keep the guide general enough to encompass the needs
of most language teachers, but at the same time include specific information
that will help in actual teaching situations. If you have a specific problem and
are looking for quick answers it is possible to look for an appropriate heading
and skip to that part. Still, I suggest going through each section in its proper
order in an attempt to follow my reasoning and get some background on the parts
of our profession that I felt important enough to include.
5. Organization
It goes without saying that a complete explanation
of all aspects of ESL/EFL in Japan is beyond the scope of one paper. Therefore,
I have attempted to shed light on areas of foreign language education and
English language teaching in Japan that I feel are essential or at least useful
for both the beginning teacher and those who are already teaching, but want to
understand the science more. To help the reader in organizing the information in
their own minds I have broken the paper down into seperate chapters based on
certain aspects of Japan, language teaching or useful information. Each part has
its own Opening Remarks, Conclusion and Notes. References to articles are cited
in complete form, but those to books are cited by author and year of publication
(page number is included where relevent). I have chosen this format since all of
the books I make references to are included in the Bibliography.
An outline of the rest of the paper is as follows:
Teaching English or other languages in Japan is an
interesting proposition. Many people will have no troubles learning to teach or
adjusting to the culture, but having a guide to smooth the way cannot hurt
either. I have tried to include some of the insight that I have gained while
here in Japan to give prospective teachers some idea of what to expect and
useful information on teaching a foreign language to the Japanese and getting
along in Japanese society.
The organization of this paper, with seperate
opening remarks, conclusion and references for each part, was undertaken with an
audience from a variety of backgrounds in mind. I have tried to make the
information as accessable as possible and to maintain a flow from the general to
the specific.
In the next section we will begin to see that teaching
English (or other languages as well) is not as simple or as straightforward as
some may think. Good luck in your journey.
[1] Explored in more depth in Part Two.
[2] For
a good introduction to many of the reasons for studying a foreign language see
J. Harmer (1991) pages 1-3.
[3] M. Zuckerman (1980) on page 2 gives a
good overview of the difference between our recognition vocabulary and our
active vocabulary.
[4] Sell, D.A. Perceptions in Foreign Language
Learning. In Asian Languages and General Linguistics. Kyoto. Shokado.