Part Eleven
Opening Remarks
chapter includes tips on where to go for information on teaching and living in
Japan. There are other resources and you will probably outgrow this list in a
short time. Magazines such as those mentioned in Part Eight include other
resources as well.
1. Societies and Associations
Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) - This group is described
elsewhere in the document and referred to more than once. They publish the
JALT Journal and The Language Teacher, both of which have useful
articles on teaching and specific problems in Japan. The former sometimes tends
to be focused on one topic so you may need to search for the right
Also, JALT has a newsgroup on the Internet for those teachers who are
on-line and prefer this medium for exchanging ideas or doing
B. English Teachers in Conference (ETIC) - An online
forum on niftyserve Japan. The live chat room is often dead, but if you post a
specific teaching problem you will probably get some fairly substantial feedback
within a few days.
2. Internet
I have included here places on
the WWW where you can order books, find information on different aspects of our
profession, or just participate in on-line chats or newletter groups. You can
also use different search engines to add to the list.
A. University of
Sussex Language Centre - Internet Resources for teachers and learners of
B. International
House (ILC) ELT Book and Mail-Order Service - English language teaching
C. Heinemann English
Language Teaching -
D. Oxford University
Press (OUP) -
E. The Japan
Exchange and Teaching (JET) Programme -
F. Ohio University - English
Language Teaching Resources
Centre for English Language Studies in Education, University of Manchester -
H. English Center Home Page, University of
Hong Kong - good source of extra resources.
The entries in
this section are only personal favorites and do not wholly reflect the
availability of resources in Japan or on the internet. I strongly urge the
reader to explore these sources though, as they lead to a plethora of other
As mentioned in Part Eight, there are a number of publications
in Japan aimed at foreign residents. These are also a great source of
information on various groups in your area. It is a good idea to keep back
issues as you can find contact numbers and other details on various groups in
case your interests change. Happy travels.
Part Twelve -
Additional Reading